Identifiants de l'auteur :
Publications de l'auteur
Morphology and reconstruction of the retiolitines: Silurian graptolites of the Paraplectograptus lineage (Graptolithina)
BATES D., KIRK† N. H. & KOZŁOWSKA A. 2023. — Morphology and reconstruction of the retiolitines: Silurian graptolites of the Paraplectograptus lineage (Graptolithina). Comptes Rendus Palevol 2023 (4): 45-57.
Papiliograptus retimarginatus n. sp., a new retiolitid (Graptolithina) from the predeubeli/deubeli Biozone (upper Homerian, Wenlock, Silurian), the recovery phase after the lundgreni Extinction Event
KOZŁOWSKA A. & BATES D. 2021. — Papiliograptus retimarginatus n. sp., a new retiolitid (Graptolithina) from the predeubeli/deubeli Biozone (upper Homerian, Wenlock, Silurian), the recovery phase after the lundgreni Extinction Event. Comptes Rendus Palevol 2021 (12): 199-206.