
Andrea M. F. VALLI

Publications de l'auteur


Le gisement paléontologique villafranchien terminal de Peyrolles (Issoire, Puy-de-Dôme, France) : résultats de nouvelles prospections

VALLI A. M. F., CARON J.-B., DEBARD É., GUÉRIN C., PASTRE J.-F. & ARGANT J. 2006. — Le gisement paléontologique villafranchien terminal de Peyrolles (Issoire, Puy-de-Dôme, France) : résultats de nouvelles prospections. Geodiversitas 2006 (2): 297-317.

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Taphonomy of the late Miocene of Akkașdağı, Turkey

VALLI A. M. F. 2005. — Taphonomy of the late Miocene of Akkașdağı, Turkey, in SEN S. (ed.), Geology, mammals and environments at Akkașdağı, late Miocene of Central Anatolia. Geodiversitas 27 (4): 793-808.

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Pliocene to Pleistocene large mammal diversity and turnover in North Mediterranean region: the Greek Peninsula with respect to the Iberian and Italian ones

KOSTOPOULOS D. S., PALOMBO M.-R., ALBERDI M.-T. & VALLI A. M. F. 2007. — Pliocene to Pleistocene large mammal diversity and turnover in North Mediterranean region: the Greek Peninsula with respect to the Iberian and Italian ones. Geodiversitas 2007 (3): 401-419.

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