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Biogéographie et écologie du Pléistocène inférieur européen d’après les archives mammaliennes : études de cas et synthèses préliminaires
KOSTOPOULOS D. S., KONIDARIS G. E., TESAKOV A., VAN DEN HOEK OSTENDE L. W. & ROOK L. (eds) 2018. — European early Pleistocene biogeography and ecology based on the mammal record: Case studies and preliminary syntheses/Biogéographie et écologie du Pléistocène inférieur européen d’après les archives mammaliennes : études de cas et synthèses préliminaires. Comptes Rendus Palevol, vol. 17 (4-5), arts 28-40.
A “preglacial” giant salamander from Europe: new record from the Late Pliocene of Caucasus
SYROMYATNIKOVA E., TITOV V. V., TESAKOV A. & SKUTSCHAS P. P. 2024. — A “preglacial” giant salamander from Europe: new record from the Late Pliocene of Caucasus. Comptes Rendus Palevol 2024 (3): 45-57.
Naja romani (Hoffstetter, 1939) (Serpentes: Elapidae) from the late Miocene of the Northern Caucasus: the last East European large cobra
SYROMYATNIKOVA E., TESAKOV A. & TITOV V. V. 2021. — Naja romani (Hoffstetter, 1939) (Serpentes: Elapidae) from the late Miocene of the Northern Caucasus: the last East European large cobra, in STEYER J.-S., AUGÉ M. L. & MÉTAIS G. (eds), Memorial Jean-Claude Rage: A life of paleo-herpetologistMemorial Jean-Claude Rage: A life of paleo-herpetologist. Geodiversitas 43 (19): 683-689.
European Early Pleistocene biogeography and ecology based on the mammal record: Case studies and preliminary syntheses
KOSTOPOULOS D. S., KONIDARIS G., TESAKOV A., VAN DEN HOEK OSTENDE L. W. & ROOK L. 2018. — European Early Pleistocene biogeography and ecology based on the mammal record: Case studies and preliminary syntheses. Comptes Rendus Palevol 17 (4-5): 239-245.
Orcemys, a new genus of arvicolid rodent from the early Pleistocene of the Guadix–Baza Basin, southern Spain
MARTIN R. A., TESAKOV A., AGUSTÍ J. & JOHNSTON K. 2018. — Orcemys , a new genus of arvicolid rodent from the early Pleistocene of the Guadix–Baza Basin, southern Spain. Comptes Rendus Palevol 17 (4-5): 310-319.