
A review of the genus Coccoglypta Pilsbry, 1895 (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Camaenidae)

Barna PÁLL-GERGELY, András HUNYADI, Zhe-Yu CHEN & Zhi-Tong LYU

en Zoosystema 41 (29) - Pages 595-608

Published on 20 December 2019

So far, the genus Coccoglypta Pilsbry, 1895 consisted of two species and two subspecies as follows: C. pinchoniana (Heude, 1886) type species of the genus, C. scrobiculata scrobiculata (Gredler, 1885) and C. scrobiculata hupeiana (Gredler, 1887). We examined shells and genitalia, and performed molecular analyses of Coccoglypta specimens from Sichuan Province, which have revealed the existence of a yet undescribed species (Coccoglypta liui Páll-Gergely, n. sp.). Based on conchological information, Coccoglypta scrobiculata does not belong to the Camaenidae Pilsbry, 1895 s.l., but to the Ariophantidae Godwin-Austen, 1883. Since the systematics of Ariophantidae is not fully resolved yet, it is difficult to place this species in an appropriate genus. The conchologically most similar species is Hemiplecta laotica (Möllendorff, 1899), therefore Coccoglypta scrobiculata is transferred to the genus Hemiplecta Albers, 1850. Eulota arbusticola chrysomphala Möllendorff, 1899 is elevated to species level, and treated as “Bradybaena chrysomphala (Möllendorff, 1899), because its shell differs considerably from that of Bradybaena arbusticola (Deshayes, 1870). Bradybaena arbusticola, Satsuma leprosula (Heude, 1885) and Helix billiana Heude, 1882 are assigned to Coccoglypta based on their mamillated sculpture.


anatomy, shell sculpture, China, new combinations, new species

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