The genus Oronoqua Fennah, 1947 (Issidae, Issinae, Issini) is revised. A diagnosis of the genus is provided. Oronoqua deina Fennah, 1947, previously known from a single female specimen from Guyana, is recorded from French Guiana for the first time. Male genitalia of Oronoqua deina Fennah, 1947 are described. Oronoqua ibisca n. sp. is described from female specimens collected in tropical rainforests located in Panama. Oronoqua ibisca n. sp. differs from O. deina by its lateral margins of coryphe straight in lateral view, by its clypeus with sharp median keel, by its fore wings transparent with transverse veins through all the corium, by its clavus with numerous transverse veins included between postcubitus and first anal vein inside the fork, and by its first metatarsomere with four intermediate spines apically.
Insecta, Hemiptera, Issidae, Issini, Oronoqua, tropical rainforest, Guyana, French Guiana, Panama, new species.