A new genus and species of bodotriid cumacean, Scyllarocuma mclaughlinae n. gen., n. sp., are described from deep waters south of New Caledonia. Along with three other known genera, this new genus belongs to a group of operculate cumaceans. In all these genera an operculum closes the cavity between the infero-lateral folds of the carapace. Scyllarocuma n. gen. differs from other genera of this group in that the operculum is formed exclusively by the basis and ischium of the first pereopod, the exopod of the second pereopod is rudimentary, and the uropod endopod is one-articulated. Swimming and feeding behaviours are hypothesized based on morphological characteristics.
Crustacea, Cumacea, Bodotriidae, deep sea, tropical Pacific Ocean, new genus, new species.