Homochaeta naidina Bretscher, 1896 has never been redescribed. No type material exists while all subsequent material, when available, proved to be misidentified. The original description may be based on different immature Naididae and Tubificidae (probably Uncinais uncinata (Ørsted, 1842) and Bothrioneurum vejdovskyanum Štolc, 1886). We think that H. naidina, although formally a valid species, may not exist in the nature. The remaining members of the nominal genus Homochaeta Bretscher, 1896, based on the type species H. naidina are either synonyms of a tubificid, Aulodrilus limnobius Bretscher, 1899 (Paranais multispinus Michaelsen, 1914; P. setosa Moszyński, 1933; P. tenuis Černosvitov, 1938), or actual naidids known on immature specimens only (P. lacteus Černosvitov, 1938; H. africana Grimm, 1985; H. proboscidea Grimm, 1985; Homochaeta sp. recorded by Falls 1974). The true generic position of the latter ones remain uncertain until they have been thoroughly redescribed. The genus Homochaeta and, particularly, the species H. naidina should not be included in the routine identification keys of Oligochaeta.
Annelida, Oligochaeta, Naididae, Homochaeta, misidentification, synonyms.