
MalacoSerres : un projet participatif d’étude des Mollusques exogènes des serres des jardins botaniques de France métropolitaine

Christophe PERRIER

fr Naturae 2021 (12) - Pages 163-166

Published on 26 May 2021

This article is a part of the thematic issue Colloque national de malacologie continentale, Nantes, 6 et 7 décembre 2018

MalacoSerres: a participatory study on exogenous molluscs in French metropolitan botanical gardens greenhouses

The “MalacoSerres” project propose to initiate a survey of the molluscs in the botanical garden greenhouses (tropicals, temperates, cold) on the French metropolitan territory, on the basis of a participatory project. This project, launched at the second national malacological conference, Nantes,  held in 6th-7th december 2018, is exposed here.

Participatory inventory, alien species, invasive alien species.
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