

The journal Naturae is a French scientific and technical peer-reviewed journal. It aims to encourage the sharing of knowledge about land and sea biodiversity and geologic heritage as well as management issues. It publishes articles continuously.

It stems from the analysis that, in France, it is vital to allow access to naturalistic knowledge and highlight experiences in management/ecological restoration (ecological engineering, tests for different types of management for an environment or species in a natural area, etc.), which are poorly documented.

By publishing case studies necessary for creating systematic review, Naturae promotes knowledge enhancement in order to strengthen conservation. With summaries in English, the articles from the journal promote the visibility of French experiences in management/ecological restoration abroad and their integration in synthesis.

Articles published in Naturae are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) and comply with the various nomenclature codes (ICZN, ICN).

Read Naturae brochure for more information on the journal.

Submit an article to Naturae

fr ERRATUM Naturae 2025 (1). Date de publication : 15 janvier 2025. Les serpents « sentinelles » de la qualité des habitats : vers une meilleure prise en compte des vipères dans les espaces naturels gérés

Gaëtan REY et al.

31-33, Published on 05 March 2025, art. 2025 (3) DOI

fr Étude diachronique de l’impact des Goélands leucophées (Larus michahellis Naumann, 1840) sur le sol et la flore des îles de Marseille : quels constats après la diminution de leurs effectifs ?

Clémentine MUTILLOD et al.

15-30, Published on 19 February 2025, art. 2025 (2) DOI

fr Les serpents « sentinelles » de la qualité des habitats : vers une meilleure prise en compte des vipères dans les espaces naturels gérés

Gaëtan REY et al.

1-14, Published on 15 January 2025, art. 2025 (1) DOI

Thematic issues

Editorial office

Editor in chief: Jean-Philippe SIBLET (UMS2006-Patrimoine Naturel)

Desk editor: Sarah FIGUET (UMS2006-Patrimoine Naturel) 

Scientific board

Luc Abbadie (UPMC)
Luc Barbier (Parc naturel régional des caps et marais d'Opale)
Aurélien Besnard (CEFE)
Hervé Brustel (PURPAN)
Patrick De Wever (MNHN)
Thierry Dutoit (UMR CNRS IMBE)
Éric Feunteun (MNHN)
Romain Garrouste (MNHN)
Grégoire Gautier (DRAAF Occitanie)
Frédéric Gosselin (Irstea)
Patrick Haffner (PatriNat)
Frédéric Hendoux (MNHN)
Xavier Houard (OPIE)
Isabelle Leviol (MNHN)
Francis Meunier (Conservatoire d'espaces naturels – Picardie)
Serge Muller (MNHN)
Francis Olivereau (DREAL Centre)
Laurent Poncet (PatriNat)
Nicolas Poulet (OFB)
Jean-Philippe Siblet (PatriNat)
Julien Touroult (PatriNat)

Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle,
Service des Publications scientifiques
case postale 41, 57 rue Cuvier, 75231 Paris cedex 05 (France)
Tél. : (33) (0)1 40 79 53 95