
Fungal Biodiversity Profiles 31-40

Kanad DAS, Aniket GHOSH, Dyutiparna CHAKRABORTY, Jingwei LI, Lihong QIU, Abhishek BAGHELA, Marek HALAMA, Manoj E. HEMBROM, Tahir MEHMOOD, Arvind PARIHAR, Bartosz PENCAKOWSKI, Monika BIELECKA, Kamila RECZYNSKA, Dorota SASIELA, Upendra SINGH, Yu SONG, Krzysztof SWIERKOSZ, Katarzyna SZCZESNIAK, Priyanka UNIYAL, Jianbin ZHANG & Bart BUYCK

en Cryptogamie, Mycologie 38 (3) - Pages 353-406

Published on 29 September 2017

In this new series of Fungal Biodiversity Profiles, the authors describe ten Basidiomycetes, one recombination and nine taxa new to science, using both morphological and molecular data. Descriptions are provided for Craterellus parvogriseus sp. nov. (Cantharellales); for Lactifluus maenanensis sp. nov., Russula albidogrisea sp. nov., R. aureorubra sp. nov., R. aureoviridis sp. nov., R. obscuricolor sp. nov. and R. pauriensis sp. nov. (Russulales), for Xerocomus reticulostipitatus sp. nov. (Boletales) and for Leucocybe houghtonii comb. nov. and Amanita rajendrae sp. nov. (Agaricales).

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