
Cryptogamie, Mycologie 37 (2)

Published on
24 June 2016

en Taxonomy and phylogeny of Juncaceicola gen. nov. (Phaeosphaeriaceae, Pleosporinae, Pleosporales)

Danushka S. TENNAKOON et al.

135-156, Published on 24 June 2016, art. 37 (9) DOI

en Taxonomic and phylogenetic placement of Phaeodimeriella (Pseudoperisporiaceae, Pleosporales)

Ausana MAPOOK et al.

157-176, Published on 24 June 2016, art. 37 (10) DOI

en Oomycota from "Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso" (PEIC): first records for São Paulo State and Brazil

Sarah Cristina Oliveira ROCHA et al.

177-191, Published on 24 June 2016, art. 37 (11) DOI

en Alpha diversity of lichens associated with Quercus laurina in a mountain cloud forest at Cofre de Perote eastern slope (La Cortadura), Veracruz, Mexico

Octavio CÓRDOVA-CHÁVEZ et al.

193-204, Published on 24 June 2016, art. 37 (12) DOI

en Effects of microclimate on species diversity and functional traits of corticolous lichens in the Popayan Botanical Garden (Cauca, Colombia)

Luis Gerardo CHILITO LÓPEZ et al.

205-215, Published on 24 June 2016, art. 37 (13) DOI

en Decision-making for the detection of amatoxin poisoning: a comparative study of standard analytical methods

Sylvie MOREL et al.

217-239, Published on 24 June 2016, art. 37 (14) DOI

en First report of pleoanamorphy in Gyrothrix verticiclada with an Idriella-like synanamorph

Cinthya Ivonne BECERRA-HERNÁNDEZ et al.

241-252, Published on 24 June 2016, art. 37 (15) DOI