
Lichens and lichenicolous fungi in the Montesinho Natural Park, the Serra da Nogueira and the Río Sabor Valley (Portugal)

Graciela PAZ-BERMUDEZ, Eugenia M. LOPEZ DE SILANES, Arsenio TERRÓN ALFONSO, Rosario ARROYO, Violeta ATIENZA, Samantha F. BRIME, Ana Rosa BURGAZ, Palmira CARVALHO, Gemma FIGUERAS, Esteve LLOP, Bernarda MARCOS, Raquel PINO-BODAS, Maria PRIETO, Victor J. RICO, Ana Belen FERNÁNDEZ-SALEGUI & Estela SERINA

en Cryptogamie, Mycologie 30 (3) - Pages 279-303

Published on 25 September 2009

A catalogue of 424 taxa of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Northern Portugal (Montesinho Natural Park, Serra da Nogueira and Rio Sabor Valley), is presented as a result of the SEL (Sociedad Española de Liquenología) field exploration.Melanohalea septentrionalis is recorded for the first time in the Iberian Peninsula, the list also includes 57 taxa that are new to Portugal.

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