A study of lichens and lichenicolous fungi from Tenerife, based on recent collections, is presented. Two lichen species are new to Africa: Anisomeridium ranunculosporum and Arthothelium dictyosporum, the latter having been considered until now as an endemic species from Scotland. Two species are new for Macaronesia: Brigantiaea leucoxantha and B. tricolor, whilst the presence of Polymeridium proponens is confirmed. Seven species of lichenicolous fungi are new for the Canary Islands: Lichenosticta alcicorniaria, Monodictys epilepraria, Paranectria oropensis, Phacopsis fusca, Phaeosporobolus alpinus, Stigmidium neofusceliae and Syzygospora physciacearum. Fifteen species are new for Tenerife: Belonia lumbrispora, Biatoropsis usnearum, Catillaria nigroclavata, Homostegia piggotii, Lichenoconium erodens, Phacopsis cephalodioides, Pronectria pertusariicola, Pyrenula hibernica, Roselliniella nephromatis, Sphaerophorus globosus, Syzygospora bachmannii, Tremella cetrariicola, T. coppinsii, T. hypogymniae and Xanthoriicola physciae.