
Taxinomie, écologie et chorologie des espèces françaises des genres Hypotrachyna et Parmelinopsis (Ascomycota lichénisés, Parmeliaceae)


fr Cryptogamie, Mycologie 26 (3) - Pages 205-263

Published on 30 September 2005

Taxonomy, ecology and chorology of French species of the genera Hypotrachyna and Parmelinopsis (lichenized Ascomycota, Parmeliaceae).

Field and herbaria studies of the French and European species of the lichen genera Hypotrachyna and Parmelinopsis show that 12 species can be found in continental France, namely all the European species. Hypotrachyna lividescens is new to the Northern Hemisphere. Hypotrachyna rockii and Parmelinopsis afrorevoluta are new to France, that last taxon is also newly reported from Germany and Portugal. The occurrence of Parmelinopsis minarum in Italy is confirmed and Hypotrachyna pseudosinuosa is new to La Reunion island (Indian Ocean). Besides a determination key to the whole species, a description with a photograph, the present secondary metabolites, distribution and ecology are provided for each of them. Parmelinopsis afrorevoluta and Hypotrachyna revoluta are the most frequent taxons, H. rockii the rarest. Cilia occurrence on the margins of the lobes and branching pattern of the rhizines as characters discriminating between the two genera are discussed from the studied species. The problematic generic status of H. britannica and H. revoluta is emphasized. According to the pronounced oceanic affinity of the whole species, the Massif armoricain and the South-West are the richest countries, in diversity as well as in quantity.

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