Annotated list of 17 lichens and 8 lichenicolous non-lichenized fungi, including the first record for France of Lepraria obtusatica, Polyblastia tarvesedis, Rinodina mucronatula, Verrucaria protearia, Stigmidium croceae, S. mycobilimbiae; the first record for the French Alps of Agonimia vouauxii, Caloplaca proteus, Lepraria cacuminum, Peltigera lepidophora, Staurothele orbicularis, Steinia geophana, Thelochroa montinii, Rhymbocarpus neglectus; the first record for the department of Alpes-de-Haute-Provence of Peltigera kristinssonii, Rinodina olivaceobrunnea; the first record for Savoy (departments of Savoie and Haute-Savoie) of Cercidospora crozalsiana, Illosporium carneum, Lichenostigma elongata, Zwackhiomyces coepulonus; and the first record for Haute-Savoie of Polyblastia verrucosa.