
Fungi on Grasses and Sedges: Paratetraploa exappendiculata gen. et sp. nov., Petrakia paracochinensis sp. nov. and Spadicoides versiseptatis sp. nov. (dematiaceous hyphomycetes)

Michelle K. M. WONG, T. K. GOH, Eric H. C. MCKENZIE & Kevin D. HYDE

en Cryptogamie, Mycologie 23 (3) - Pages 195-203

Published on 27 September 2002

Three new dematiaceous hyphomycetes are described, based on collections of decaying grass and sedge samples in Hong Kong. Paratetraploa exappendiculata gen. and sp. nov. has semi-macronematous conidiophores and Tetraploa-Wke conidia, which lack an apical appendage, but have conspicuous punctate wall ornamentation. Petrakia paracochinensis sp. nov. resembles Piricauda cochinensis in having conidia which are similar in size and shape. Spadicoides versiseptatis sp. nov. is a distinctive species in having both pseudosepta and eusepta in each conidium.


Saprobes, Dictyosporium, Tetraploa, Piricauda, Mai Po Marshes

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