A biography and bibliography of Gérard-Paul Deshayes (1796-1875) is provided, together with an annotated list of his new taxa, manuscript taxa attributed to him by others, and taxa misattributed to him. A comprehensive index of these more than 4 000 taxa is provided. Deshayes is best known for his monographs on the Cenozoic marine fossil molluscs of the Paris Basin and for having contributed to several French encyclopedic natural history publications. He also published extensively on Recent marine molluscs. The type species of four genera are designated herein by all of us. We designate Truncaria insolita Deshayes, 1865, as the type species of Buccinopsis Deshayes, 1865, non Buccinopsis Conrad, 1857. This makes Deshayes’ genus a synonym of Litiopa Rang, 1829 (Litiopidae). We designate under ICZN Code Art. 70.3 the taxonomic species involved in Cossmann’s misidentified concept as the type species of Lacunoptyxis Cossmann, 1888, which Cossmann gave as “Lacuna praelonga Deshayes, 1861”. This is identical to Odontostomia nisoides Cossmann, 1888, also the type species (OD) of Nisostomia Cossmann, 1921. Both genera are now regarded as junior synonyms of Ondina de Folin, 1870 (Pyramidellidae). We designate Cyrena (Anomala) cumingii Deshayes, 1854, as the type species of Anomala Deshayes, 1855, non Block, 1799. Egeta H. Adams & A. Adams, 1858, is its replacement name (Cyrenidae). We designate Capsella crassula Deshayes, 1855, to be the type species of Capsella Deshayes, 1855, non J. E. Gray, 1851. This is the same type species as that of Crassulobia Willan, 1993 (Psammobiidae), so the Deshayes genus falls into its synonymy. Seventeen other replacement names for Paris Basin fossil species are made by J.-M. Pacaud herein: 1) Trypanaxis mauriniacus Pacaud, n. name, for Cerithium sandbergeri Deshayes, 1864 (Trypanaxidae), non Gümbel, 1861; 2) Sandbergeria (Sandbergeria) metalis Pacaud, n. name, for Cerithium turbinopsis Deshayes, 1864 (Scaliolidae), non S. (Aneurychilus) turbinopsis (Deshayes, 1861) [Rissoa]; 3) Colina deshayesi Pacaud, n. name, for Cerithium perelegans trilirata Deshayes, 1864 (Newtoniellidae), non Cerithium triliratum Deshayes, 1864; 4) Rissoina albis Pacaud, n. name, for Melania incerta Leymerie, 1842 (Rissoinidae), non Grateloup, 1838, nec Anton, 1838; 5) Pseudotaphrus deshayesi Pacaud, n. name, for Rissoa cincta Deshayes, 1861 (Zebinidae), non Abich, 1859; 6) Truncaria (Coptaxis) vallismunda Pacaud, n. name, for Buccinum truncatum Deshayes, 1835 (Buccinidae), non Strøm, 1768; 7) Hemiconus acionna Pacaud, n. name, for Conus symmetricus Sandberger, 1859 (Conidae), non G. B. Sowerby I, 1850; 8) Hemiauricula marolium Pacaud, n. name, for Auricula marginata Leymerie, 1842 (Acteonidae), non Defrance, 1816, nec Deshayes, 1830; 9) Atys extumidus Pacaud, n. name, for Bulla turgidula Sandberger, 1859 (Haminoeidae), non Forbes, 1844; 10) Puposyrnola coartata Pacaud, n. name, for Turbonilla angusta Deshayes, 1861 (Pyramidellidae), non Leach, 1852; 11) Eulimella (Anisocycla) acucula Pacaud, n. name, for Aciculina gracilis Deshayes, 1861 (Pyramidellidae), non A. gracilis (Jeffreys, 1847) [Eulimella]; 12) Macrozonites turonia Pacaud, n. name, for Helix umbilicalis Deshayes,1832 (Grandipatulidae), non Olivi, 1792; 13) Actinopteria alba Pacaud, n. name, for Avicula subradiata Leymerie, 1842 (Pterineidae), non J. De C. Sowerby, 1840; 14) Crassostrea vindinonensis Pacaud, n. name, for Ostrea gryphoides Deshayes, 1825 (Ostreidae), non Schlotheim, 1820; 15) Protocardia vindovera Pacaud, n. name, for Cardium impressum Leymerie, 1842 (Cardiidae), non Lightfoot, 1786; 16) Tapes (Callistotapes) valgerardensis Pacaud, n. name, for Venus tenuis Deshayes, 1825 (Veneridae), non Blainville, 1824; and 17) Anthonya albis Pacaud, n. name, for Pandora aequivalvis Leymerie, 1842 (Pandoridae), non Philippi, 1836.
Deshayes’ taxa, catalogue, fossil, Recent, nomenclature, biography, bibliography, new names