
Les faunes de scléractiniaires hermatypiques dans les plates-formes carbonatées méditerranéennes au Miocène supérieur

Christian CHAIX & Jean-Paul SAINT MARTIN

fr Geodiversitas 30 (1) - Pages 181-209

Published on 28 March 2008

This article is a part of the thematic issue Biodiversity and biodiversity crises in North African Neogene

Hermatypic scleractinian faunas within upper Miocene Mediterranean carbonate platforms

This work consists in a systematic revision of upper Miocene Mediterranean hermatypic scleractinian corals, concerning the whole perimediterranean area. An abundant material allowed an accurate and reliable analysis of the taxonomic characters. Eighteen specific attributions, belonging to eight genera, are proposed. Nomenclatural revisions were required because of the abundant, dispersed and qualitatively diverse literature on this subject. Comparisons with older works were made difficult because of ancient identifications and datations by precedent authors. The biogeographic and stratigraphic distributions are detailed. Discussions about paleoecological features allow a better understanding of this coral fauna evolution, particularly regarding the so-called “salinity crisis” that affected the Mediterranean area at the end of the Miocene.


Scleractinian corals, reefs, platforms, systematics, paleoecology, paleobiogeography, upper Miocene, crisis, biodiversity

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