
Geodiversitas 30 (1)

Published on
28 March 2008

Biodiversity and biodiversity crises in North African Neogene

Edited by Jean-Paul SAINT MARTIN

The current biodiversity of the Mediterranean area results from a complex history combining geodynamic features, climatic impacts, local and global biogeochemical constraints and influence of the living communities. Crisis periods are special opportunities to analyse the modifications of the biosphere after environmental disturbances and to assess the return of new states of equilibrium. With numerous and extended Neogene sedimentary basins, North Africa constitutes a particular research field concerning the biodiversity evolution in Mediterranean area. This thematic volume follows the communications of the specialized meeting of the Association paléontologique française (APF) “Biodiversité et crises de la biodiversité au Néogène en Afrique du Nord” (28-29 november 2006, held in the Muséum national d’Histoire naturelle, Paris).

SAINT MARTIN J.-P. (ed.) 2008. — Biodiversity and biodiversity crises in North African Neogene/Biodiversité et crises de la biodiversité au Néogène en Afrique du Nord. Geodiversitas, vol. 30 (1), arts 1-13.
geo30/1 Price :
37,50 €

fr Avant-propos


5-8, Published on 28 March 2008, art. 30 (1)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Biodiversity and biodiversity crises in North African Neogene edited by Jean-Paul SAINT MARTIN

fr Biostratigraphie et lithologie des séries serravallo-tortoniennes du massif du Dahra et du bassin du Chélif (Algérie). Implications sur la position de la limite serravallo-tortonienne

Lahcène BELKEBIR et al.

9-19, Published on 28 March 2008, art. 30 (2)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Biodiversity and biodiversity crises in North African Neogene edited by Jean-Paul SAINT MARTIN

fr Événements biostratigraphiques et environnementaux enregistrés dans le corridor sud rifain (Maroc septentrional) au Miocène supérieur avant la crise de salinité messinienne


21-40, Published on 28 March 2008, art. 30 (3)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Biodiversity and biodiversity crises in North African Neogene edited by Jean-Paul SAINT MARTIN

fr Les environnements continentaux du corridor rifain (Maroc) au Miocène supérieur d'après la palynologie


41-58, Published on 28 March 2008, art. 30 (4)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Biodiversity and biodiversity crises in North African Neogene edited by Jean-Paul SAINT MARTIN

fr Contributions biostratigraphiques et paléoenvironnementales de l'étude des nannofossiles calcaires des dépôts tortono-messiniens du bassin du Chélif (Algérie)

Mohamed El Habib MANSOURI et al.

59-77, Published on 28 March 2008, art. 30 (5)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Biodiversity and biodiversity crises in North African Neogene edited by Jean-Paul SAINT MARTIN

fr Apports des foraminifères planctoniques à la biostratigraphie du Miocène supérieur et du Pliocène de Djebel Diss (bassin du Chélif, Algérie)

Ahmed BELHADJI et al.

79-96, Published on 28 March 2008, art. 30 (6)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Biodiversity and biodiversity crises in North African Neogene edited by Jean-Paul SAINT MARTIN

fr Le passage Mio-Pliocène dans le bassin du Bas Chélif (Algérie). Biostratigraphie et paléoenvironnements

Khireddine Faïyçal Tewfik ATIF et al.

97-116, Published on 28 March 2008, art. 30 (7)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Biodiversity and biodiversity crises in North African Neogene edited by Jean-Paul SAINT MARTIN

fr Signification paléoécologique des assemblages de diatomées du Messinien du Dahra sud-occidental (bassin du Chélif, Algérie nord-occidentale)

Bouhameur MANSOUR et al.

117-139, Published on 28 March 2008, art. 30 (8)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Biodiversity and biodiversity crises in North African Neogene edited by Jean-Paul SAINT MARTIN

fr Paléobiodiversité et paléoenvironnements: l'exemple des gisements de poissons téléostéens du Messinien préévaporitique d'Oran et du bassin du Chélif (Algérie)


141-163, Published on 28 March 2008, art. 30 (9)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Biodiversity and biodiversity crises in North African Neogene edited by Jean-Paul SAINT MARTIN

fr Biodiversité dans les calcaires micritiques blancs des plates-formes messiniennes d'Algérie


165-179, Published on 28 March 2008, art. 30 (10)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Biodiversity and biodiversity crises in North African Neogene edited by Jean-Paul SAINT MARTIN

fr Les faunes de scléractiniaires hermatypiques dans les plates-formes carbonatées méditerranéennes au Miocène supérieur

Christian CHAIX & Jean-Paul SAINT MARTIN

181-209, Published on 28 March 2008, art. 30 (11)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Biodiversity and biodiversity crises in North African Neogene edited by Jean-Paul SAINT MARTIN

fr Évolution de la biodiversité et de la distribution paléobiogéographique des échinides sur les côtes atlantiques du Maroc du Tortonien à l'Actuel


211-232, Published on 28 March 2008, art. 30 (12)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Biodiversity and biodiversity crises in North African Neogene edited by Jean-Paul SAINT MARTIN

fr Phylogénie moléculaire et données paléobiogéographiques sur le gastéropode terrestre Tudorella sulcata (Draparnaud, 1805) en France et en Algérie orientale

Errol VÉLA et al.

233-246, Published on 28 March 2008, art. 30 (13)
This article is a part of the thematic issue Biodiversity and biodiversity crises in North African Neogene edited by Jean-Paul SAINT MARTIN