Numerous isolated cynodont teeth have been collected from the Late Triassic of Saint-Nicolas-de-Port (north-eastern France). The material is very diversified and the following taxa are recognized: Pseudotriconodon wildi Hahn, Lepage et Wouters, 1984, Tricuspes tuebingensis E. v. Huene, 1933; Tricuspes sigogneauae Hahn, Hahn et Godefroit, 1994; Tricuspes tapeinodon n.sp.; Meurthodon gallicus Sigogneau-Russell et Hahn, 1994; Hahnia obliqua n.g., n.sp.; Gaumia longiradicata Hahn, Wild et Wouters, 1987; Lepagia gaumensis, Hahn, Wild et Wouters, 1987; Maubeugia lotharingica n.g., n.sp.; Rosieria delsatei n.g., n.sp. and aff. Microscalenodon. This cynodont fauna mainly includes small insectivorous forms, more particularly represented by Dromatheriidae; tiny herbivorous are represented by rare dwarf Traversodontidae. The study of the palaeogeographical and stratigraphic distribution of the Late Triassic to Early Jurassic cynodonts indicates that the fauna discovered in Saint-Nicolas-de-Port is characteristic of the Late Norian-Rhaetian period and is actually the most representative of this period for Western Europe. Granulomatric analysis of the bone-bed reveals that they accumulated in a nearshore shallow marine environment.
Cynodontia, Late Triassic, Saint-Nicolas-de-Port, dental morphology