The species of Mesitiinae (Bethylidae) from China are revised and 20 species belonging to five genera are recognized. The following eleven new species are described: Heterocoelia curtisulcus sp. nov., H. unicolor sp. nov., H. varicolor sp. nov., H. remota sp. nov., Incertosulcus afoveatus sp. nov., I. exilisulcus sp. nov., Sulcomesitius angustifrons sp. nov., S. latibilobatus sp. nov., S. sparsulus sp. nov., Zimankos acutulus sp. nov. and Z. hamulosus sp. nov. Two new synonymies are proposed: Heterocoelia sinensis Xu & He, 2006 is synonymized with H. zhaoi Xu & He, 2006, and Sulcomesitius rectus Xu, He & Terayama, 2003 with Zimankos cambodianus (Móczár, 1976). Two species are transferred from Sulcomesitius to Heterocoelia, resulting in H. punctulata (Xu, He & Terayama, 2003) comb. nov. and H. neomoczari (Barbosa & Azevedo, 2018) comb. nov. Two species are transferred from Heterocoelia to Sulcomesitius, resulting in S. zhaoi (Xu & He, 2006) comb. nov. and S. breviculus (Xu & He, 2003) comb. nov. Furthermore, Zimankos mahunkai (Móczár, 1981) is recorded from China for the first time.
China, Chrysidoidea, Mesitiinae, new species, new combination, new synonym, key.