Scalibregmatidae Malmgren, 1867 is a family of annelids, with only few taxa reported from Brazil. In this work, we describe two new species of Asclerocheilus Ashworth, 1901. The new species A. geiseae sp. nov. and A. blakei sp. nov. were collected during scientific expeditions to the Espírito Santo and Campos sedementary basins. These expeditions were coordinated by PETROBRAS/CENPES. The species A. geiseae sp. nov. is unique among its congeners by the presence of acicular spines with rounded and curved tips in two rows. The second species, A. blakei sp. nov., differs from its congeners by the combination of the presence of a trapezoidal prostomium, acicular spines on chaetigers 1–3, lyrate chaetae from chaetiger 3 on notopodia and 2 on neuropodia. Moreover, we report the species A. tropicus Blake, 1981 from the localities sampled on this study. We also provide an identification key to all species of Asclerocheilus of the world.
South Atlantic, deep sea, Polychaetes, balloon worms, benthic macrofauna