
Sonerila longipedunculata sp. nov., a new species of Melastomataceae from the southern Western Ghats, India, with additional notes and lectotypification of Sonerila travancorica

Sekarathil RESMI & Santhosh NAMPY

en European Journal of Taxonomy 733 (160) - Pages 160-174

Published on 10 February 2021

A new species of Melastomataceae, Sonerila longipedunculata Resmi & Nampy sp. nov.,is described from the southern Western Ghats, India. It is morphologically close to S. travancorica, but diff ers by the tuberous root stock, fleshy stems, ovate to cordate lamina, longer, angular peduncles, 3-ribbed hypanthium, ovate-elliptic petals, acute anthers, and 3-ribbed capsules. Detailed description, distribution map, and photographic images are provided. The morphological diff erences with relevant species are discussed. The status of the new species is provisionally assessed here as ‘critically endangered’ according to IUCN Red List Categories and Criteria. The name Sonerila travancoricais lectotypifi ed and its identity is discussed. The status of Sonerila longipetiolata isdiscussed and is synonymised under S. travancorica.


Sonerileae, Kerala, Sonerila longipetiolata, tuberous, South Wayanad forest division

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