The spider genus Zaitunia Lehtinen, 1967 (Araneae, Filistatidae) is revised. It was found to include 24 species distributed in the Eastern Mediterranean, Middle East and Central Asia: ♀ Z. afghana (Roewer, 1962) (Afghanistan), ♀ Z. alexandri Brignoli, 1982 (Iran), ♀ Z. akhanii Marusik & Zamani, 2015 (Iran), ♂♀ Z. annulipes (Kulczyński, 1908) (Cyprus), ♂♀ Z. beshkentica (Andreeva & Tyshchenko, 1969) (Tajikistan, Uzbekistan), ♀ Z. brignoliana sp. nov. (Iran), ♂♀ Z. ferghanensis sp. nov. (Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan), ♀ Z. feti sp. nov. (Turkmenistan), ♀ Z. halepensis sp. nov. (Syria), ♀ Z. huberi sp. nov. (Afghanistan), ♀ Z. inderensis Ponomarev, 2005 (Kazakhstan), ♂♀ Z. kunti sp. nov. (Cyprus, Turkey), ♂♀ Z. logunovi sp. nov. (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan), ♂♀ Z. maracandica (Charitonov, 1946) (Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan), ♂♀ Z. martynovae (Andreeva & Tyshchenko, 1969) (Tajikistan, Turkmenistan), ♀ Z. medica Brignoli, 1982 (Iran), ♂♀ Z. minoica sp. nov. (Greece), ♀ Z. minuta sp. nov. (Uzbekistan), ♀ Z. persica Brignoli, 1982 (Iran), ♂ Z. psammodroma sp. nov. (Turkmenistan), ♂♀ Z. schmitzi (Kulczyński, 1911), the type species (Egypt, Israel), ♂♀ Z. spinimana sp. nov. (Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan), ♂♀ Z. wunderlichi sp. nov. (Kyrgyzstan) and ♀ Z. zonsteini Fomichev & Marusik, 1969 (Kazakhstan). Twelve above-listed species are newly described, and males of Z. annulipes, Z. beshkentica, Z. maracandica and Z. martynovae are described for the first time. Two new combinations are established: Z. annulipes (Kulczyński, 1908) comb. nov., ex Filistata, and Pholcoides monticola (Spassky, 1941) comb. nov., ex Zaitunia. New data on distribution of the considered taxa are provided.
Araneae, spiders, Filistatidae, Southwest and Central Asia, new species.