
Biostratigraphy and geodynamic impact in the uppermost part of the northeastern coastal basin of Togo

Pauline Yawoa D. DA COSTA, Ampah Kodjo C. JOHNSON & Pascal AFFATON

en Comptes Rendus Palevol 8 (6) - Pages 511-526

Published on 30 September 2009

Lithological and micropaleontological studies of core-samples from five boreholes drilled in the northeastern part of the coastal basin of Togo allow for a specification of the stratigraphy and the paleogeography of this area during the Maastrichtian and Paleogene. A lithological analysis reveals a marine series consisting of a Lower Maastrichtian unit, a Middle Paleocene to Eocene unit, and an upper unit attributed to the Continental terminal sensu lato . The biostratigraphical study, based on planktonic foraminifera, has led to a characterization of the basin in terms of biozones ranging from the Globotruncana aegyptiaca to the Abathomphalus mayaroensis biozones and biozones P5 to P11, thus specifying a Middle to Upper Maastrichtian, an Upper Paleocene and a Lower to Middle Eocene units. The paleogeographical evolution of the area shows that the series recorded two sedimentary cycles: the first one stops at the end of the Cretaceous and the second one in the Paleogene.


Coastal basin of Togo, Stratigraphy, Maastrichtian, Paleogene, Biozone, Foraminifera, Tectonics, Paleogeography

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