
Taxonomical reappraisal of “ictitheres” (Mammalia, Carnivora) from the Late Miocene of Kenya


en Comptes Rendus Palevol 7 (8) - Pages 529-539

Published on 31 December 2008

This article is a part of the thematic issue African Carnivora from the Middle Miocene to the Pleistocene: New data, systematics, evolution, biogeography

In 2003, Werdelin has identified three hyaenid species from the Late Miocene of Kenya (Lothagam Formation), including two “ictitheres” – a newly erected Ictitherium ebu Werdelin, 2003, and Hyaenictitherium cf. parvum. The present article discusses the published evidence on the Kenyan hyaenids and explores additional cranial and postcranial characters useful for differentiation between the true ictitheres (i.e., the genera of the subfamily Ictitheriinae Trouessart, 1897) and some small members of the subfamily Hyaeninae Gray, 1869.


Eurasia, Africa, Late Miocene, Carnivora, Hyaenidae, Taxonomy

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