
New palaeoanthropological research in the Plio-Pleistocene Omo Group, Lower Omo Valley, SNNPR (Southern Nations, Nationalities and People Regions), Ethiopia

Jean-Renaud BOISSERIE, Franck GUY, Anne DELAGNES, Leslea J. HLUKSO, Faysal BIBI, Yonas BEYENE & Claude GUILLEMOT

en Comptes Rendus Palevol 7 (7) - Pages 429-439

Published on 31 October 2008

Through previous works in the early 1930s by C. Arambourg and in the 1960–1970s by the International Omo Research Expedition (IORE) initiated by F. C. Howell, the Omo Group deposits of the Lower Omo Valley provided decisive data on Plio-Pleistocene environmental change and hominid evolution in eastern Africa. Y. Coppens directed the IORE French component with Arambourg, then alone from 1970 to 1976. After 30-year hiatus, the Omo Group Research Expedition reinitiated field work on Shungura Formation deposits aged between 3 Ma and 2 Ma. In 2006 and 2007, renewed methods led to the collection of more than 600 vertebrate specimens with a particularly precise record of contextual data. These specimens include significant hominid remains dated to 2.5 Ma and slightly older. Changes in faunal distributions were also recorded. Additionally, the Shungura Formation archaeological record is reconsidered. These first results are indicative of future advances in the study of biodiversity evolution and its relationship with global and regional environmental changes.


Fossil vertebrates, Hominids, Early Stone Age, Field work, Late Pliocene, Shungura Formation, Eastern Africa

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