
Morphogenèse de l’endostructure osseuse de l’ilion humain

Virginie VOLPATO

fr Comptes Rendus Palevol 7 (7) - Pages 463-471

Published on 31 October 2008

Bone endostructure morphogenesis of the human ilium

Through the human infantile stage, the progressive acquisition of the orthograde posture and bipedal locomotion is responsible for important morphostructural bony changes at the pelvis and the coxofemoral joint. This study uses digital processing techniques applied to a set of radiographic and microtomographic images to characterise the textural properties of the trabecular network and the topographic variation of the cortical shell in an ontogenetic series of 15 ilia from individuals aged between 0 and 40 years. The results suggest that the main structures of the trabecular architecture which are functional to the distribution and dissipation of the postural- and locomotor-related loads, are already recognizable at the age of 1–2 years, in association with the adoption of bipedal walking.


Bone endostructure, Morphogenesis, Ilium, Biomechanics, Bipedalism

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