
Verdeña (Spain): Life and death of a Carboniferous forest community

Robert H. WAGNER & José Bienvenido DIEZ

en Comptes Rendus Palevol 6 (6-7) - Pages 495-504

Published on 30 November 2007

This article is a part of the thematic issue Palaeobotany and evolution of the plants' world: Some current problems

The remains of a forest of 305 million years ago allow reconstructing its history of colonisation of a coastal sand bar and its destruction by marine flooding due to faulting in a high destructive deltaic setting. Sigillarian trees snapped off just above the rooting bases, whereas woody trees (cordaitaleans?) were uprooted by the unidirectional current, which oriented the fallen logs. This record puts a new perspective on reconstructions of Carboniferous forest mires.


Carboniferous, Cantabrian, stratigraphy, palaeoecology, taphonomy, flora, Sigillaria, Cordaites

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