The Oliete Sub-basin is located in the link zone between the Iberian and the Catalonian Coastal Ranges (Teruel Province, Spain). The palynological samples have been collected in the Upper Aptian–lower Albian rocks of the Escucha Formation, which present an organic-rich sedimentary succession deposited in a variety of continental and coastal environments. Four detailed sections have been studied in order to establish the stratigraphical framework to perform the palynological study. The rocks of these sections contained abundant and well-diversified palynomorph assemblages. Their study allowed the identification of 78 taxa or taxonomic groups (dinoflagellate cysts, acritarchs, phycomes of prasinophytes, algae, bryophytes, lycophytes, pteridophytes, gymnosperms, and primitive angiosperms). The quantitative percentual and the multivariate analysis performed upon the supplied palynological data supports the hypothesis of subtropical palaeoenvironments controlled by non-uniform conditions. The assemblages are comprised of parautochthonous and allochthonous elements, which reflect the existence of coniferous forests and wetlands.
Palynology, palaeoecology, Upper Aptian–lower Albian, Oliete Sub-basin, Spain