
Circulations sur plusieurs centaines de kilomètres durant le Paléolithique moyen. Contribution à la connaissance des sociétés néandertaliennes

Ludovic SLIMAK & Yves GIRAUD

fr Comptes Rendus Palevol 6 (5) - Pages 359-368

Published on 31 August 2007

Raw material circulations over hundred kilometres during the Middle Palaeolithic; implications concerning our knowledge of Neanderthalian societies

In the Middle Palaeolithic of western Europe, raw material circulations seemed limited to a hundred of kilometres. This paper focuses on the circulation of flints on more than 250 km (minimal distances) in the Mousterian site of Champ Grand, France. Real distances are longer than 400 km. Modalities of circulation are exposed. The analyses of these products demonstrate an important anticipation concerning the mobile raw materials’ management. These data demonstrate that this Mousterian site is a point in a complex and ramified settlement of the landscape. Diachronic relations with behavioural aspects of Upper Palaeolithic societies are exposed.


Middle Palaeolithic, Territories, Very exotic flints, France

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