
Nouvelle approche taphonomique des coprolithes du Tell d'Hârşova (Roumanie) : contribution de la cathodoluminescence

Matthieu LE BAILLY, Vincent BARBIN, Adrian BĂLĂŞESCU, Dragomir POPOVICI, Françoise BOUCHET & Jean-Claude PAICHELER

fr Comptes Rendus Palevol 5 (8) - Pages 919-925

Published on 31 December 2006

New taphonomic approach of the coprolites of Hârşova Tell (Romania): contribution of the cathodoluminescence

A study was conducted on petrographic thin sections of coprolites from the Neolithic site of Hârşova. Two varieties of coprolites, a compact and a friable one, could be distinguished. Both types contain bone particles, which is indicative of a carnivore or an omnivore's origin. Complementary light-optical- and cathodoluminescence-microscopy analyses were carried out on coprolites. Cathodoluminescence microscopy clearly revealed a variable degree of Mn-bearing calcite precipitation in the pores of the coprolites. This mineralization was likely caused by advective water transport through the pore system. Therefore, cathodoluminescence investigations show a great potential to gain a better knowledge of the early fossilization process in coprolites.


Coprolites, Taphonomy, Cathodoluminescence, Palaeoparasitology, Neolithic, Romania

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