
Approche morphométrique des dents jugales déciduales d’ Equus caballus arcelini ( sensu lato, Guadelli 1991) : critères de détermination et estimation de l'âge d'abattage

Olivier BIGNON

fr Comptes Rendus Palevol 5 (8) - Pages 1005-1020

Published on 31 December 2006

Morphometrical approach of Equus caballus arcelini (sensu lato, Guadelli 1991) jugal milk teeth: determination criteria and mortality age estimation.

This paper presents the main morphometrical results of the study of the last western European Pleistocene horse (Equus caballus arcelini sensu lato, Guadelli 1991) jugal milk teeth. In association with observed morphological characters, morphometrical data helps determination. The main purpose of this discrimination between the different jugal milk teeth is the estimation of the mortality age, according to the crown-height method. In an archaeological context, the use of this method on horses' dental series enables to study the issue of human settlements' seasonality.


Mortality age, horse, morphometry, determination criteria, Equus caballus arcelini, jugal milk teeth

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