
Les ostréidés des faciès lignitifères du Crétacé moyen du Sud-Ouest de la France (Charentes et Sarladais)

Blaise VIDET & Jean-Pierre PLATEL

fr Comptes Rendus Palevol 4 (1-2) - Pages 167-176

Published on 28 February 2005

This article is a part of the thematic issue Fauna and flora of paralic basins

Oysters from lignitic deposits of the Mid-Cretaceous of southwestern France (Charentes and Sarladais regions)

The study of the Aquitaine Basin border (Charentes and Sarladais) makes the census of several lignitic outcrops in the Albo-Cenomanian series. Three oysters species are usually associated with these paralic deposits. These taxa are revised for their systematic and palaeoecological features. Acutostrea lingularis is the most-typical brackish species and is especially abundant in massive lignitic wood accumulations. Gyrostrea delettrei is a small robust species that is able to colonize high-hydrodynamics estuarine channels with wood deposits. Striostrea sp., belonging to a Recent genus, is well developed on various terrigenous substrates with wood fragments from euryhaline palaeoenvironments.


Oysters, Cenomanian, Aquitaine Basin, Lignite, paralic, France

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