
Les microorganismes de l’ambre cénomanien d’Écommoy (Sarthe, France)

Gérard BRETON & Florent TOSTAIN

fr Comptes Rendus Palevol 4 (1-2) - Pages 31-46

Published on 28 February 2005

This article is a part of the thematic issue Fauna and flora of paralic basins

Microorganisms in the Cenomanian amber from Écommoy (Sarthe, northwestern France)

The Cenomanian amber of Écommoy (Sarthe, France) is studied for the first time under the scope of the microscopical organic inclusions. A felting of Cyanobacteria Palaeocolteronema cenomanensis gen. nov., sp. nov., which is to be also found in ambers from marsh or estuarine deposits of the Late Albian of Charente-Maritime, is the most conspicuous character of this amber. The taphocoenosis also comprises oval inclusions of various sizes, euglenians, diatoms, naked amoebas, bacteria, algae cf. Siphonales?, one filament cf. Trentepohlia sp., and several incertae sedis . The Cenomanian amber from Écommoy is a litter amber, formed in a terrestrial to freshwater (occasionally briny) environment, in a marsh behind the coast.


Amber, Cretaceous, micro-organism, amoeba, cyanobacteria, new taxon, paralic environment

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