
Datations U/Th (TIMS) et 14C (AMS) des stalagmites de la grotte Chauvet (Ardèche, France) : intérêt pour la chronologie des événements naturels et anthropiques de la grotte

Dominique GENTY, Bassam GHALEB, Valérie PLAGNES, Christiane CAUSSE, Hélène VALLADAS, Dominique BLAMART, Marc MASSAULT, Jean-Michel GENESTE & Jean CLOTTES

fr Comptes Rendus Palevol 3 (8) - Pages 629-642

Published on 31 December 2004

TIMS U/Th and 14C AMS ages of the Chauvet cave stalagmites: interest for the chronology of natural and human events of the cave

Eight stalagmites, two flowstones and several pieces of charcoal found trapped under the speleothems from the Chauvet cave (Vallon-Pont-d'Arc, Ardèche, France) have been dated by radiometric mass spectrometric methods (U/Th et 14 C). Results give accurate ages for some geological features of the cave, and, for some of them, confirm the old ages of the prehistoric charcoal. They also indicate the timing of the climatic periods that were favourable to the stalagmites growth.


Grotte Chauvet, Spéléothème, Stalagmite, Datation uranium–thorium, Karst, France

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