
Quand la pétroarchéologie questionne la notion de site : états de surface et taphonomie des objets lithiques de La Belle-Roche (Sprimont, Prov. de Liège, Belgique)


fr Comptes Rendus Palevol 20 (41) - Pages 839-857

Published on 03 November 2021

When petroarchaeology questions the notion of site: surface condition and taphonomy of lithic objects at La Belle-Roche (Sprimont, Prov. de Liège, Belgium)

Petro-archaeological analysis of the lithic industry of the Lower Paleolithic of La Belle-Roche cave (Sprimont, Belgium), according to the grids developed in recent years by various research programs in France, allows a new reading of this industry. Although the anthropic character of certain objects seems well-estabilished, their accumulation in the deposit remains problematic. In this respect, the taphonomic and weathering analysis of the industry raises questions about the origin of the deposit, the age of the industry and the notion of “site”: is the “La Belle-Roche site” as a prehistorian or prehistoric construction?



Petroarchaeology, lithic’s surface condition, taphonomy, Lower Palaeolithic, Belgium, epistemology, site

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