
Nouvelles découvertes de dents d’hominidés dans le membre Kaitio de la formation de Nachukui (1,65–1,9 Ma), Ouest du lac Turkana (Kenya)

Sandrine PRAT, Jean-Philip BRUGAL, Hélène ROCHE & Pierre-Jean TEXIER

fr Comptes Rendus Palevol 2 (8) - Pages 685-693

Published on 31 December 2003

New hominid teeth from the Kaitio member (1.65–1.9 Myr) in West Turkana (Kenya)

New hominid teeth have been recovered from the archaeological sites of Kokiselei 1 and Naiyena Engol 1. These two sites are located in the west side of the Turkana Basin and belong to the Kaitio member of the Nachukui Formation. They are dated between 1.65-1.79 and 1.7-1.8 Myr respectively. The four teeth (left maxillary canine and first molar, right maxillary third molar and left mandibular third molar) discovered in Kokiselei 1 are attributed to Australopithecus boisei. The right mandibular first premolar found in Naiyena Engol 1 is referred to Homo sp. aff. ergaster.


Hominids, teeth, Australopithecus boisei, Homo, Kenya, Lower Pleistocene

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