
New Teleostei from the Agua Nueva Formation (Turonian), Vallecillo (NE Mexico)

Alberto BLANCO & Lionel CAVIN

en Comptes Rendus Palevol 2 (5) - Pages 299-306

Published on 31 July 2003

A new genus and new species of an ichthyodectiform fish, a new species of the pachyrizodontid Goulmimichthys, as well as specimens of Araripichthys sp. are described from the Agua Nueva Formation (Turonian) of Vallecillo, State of Nuevo León, NE Mexico. The ichthyodectiform fish shows a combination of characters from different families, warranting the creation of a new genus and questioning the monophyly of these families. We report herein the first record of Goulmimichthys and Araripichthys in North America.


Cretaceous, Teleostei, Mexico, new taxa

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