The Mohelno-Plevovce site, located in Moravia (Czech Republic), has yielded two stone structures that represent the remains of two different short occupations. The chronology of these occupations situates them in the midst of the Last Glacial Maximum, and the techno-typological features of the lithic assemblages link them with the recently defined ‘Epi-Aurignacian with Sagaidak–Muralovka-type microliths’. High power use-wear analysis of representative lithic samples from the two stone structures has been carried out to understand site function and the particular uses made of the different tool types represented at the site. The results of the use-wear analysis are used to test whether these occupations represent the archaeological signatures of pioneer populations that reoccupied the Moravia region, which had previously been abandoned by human populations due to the climatic hardships of the Last Glacial Maximum.
Last Glacial Maximum, ‘Epi-Aurignacian’, microlith, use-wear, pioneer