
The distribution of Acheulean culture and its possible routes in Turkey


en Comptes Rendus Palevol 17 (1-2) - Pages 99-106

Published on 28 February 2018

This article is a part of the thematic issue Hominins and tools. Expansion from Africa towards Eurasia

Turkey is a country located at the crossroads of possible migration routes between three continents and, as such, it plays a pivotal role in the distribution of Acheulean culture in Eurasia. Although Acheulean culture, which is considered to have reached Turkey via the “Levantine corridor”, shows a wide distribution in the Turkish Anatolian side, it is not found in the Thrace part of Turkey. Therefore, the spread of Acheulean culture from Turkey towards the Balkan Peninsula, i.e., in southeastern Europe, via the Thrace region of Turkey is not considered. However, the cultural artifacts of Acheulean culture are often found in eastern and southeastern Anatolia. The Acheulean cultural artifacts, especially bifaces, found in the open-air sites settled on the old river terraces – generally in the Euphrates and Tigris Basin – are strong indications of the distribution of Acheulean culture in Anatolia as well as the possible migration route of Homo erectus from Anatolia to the Caucasus. Many Acheulean sites recently identified in the Caucasus seem to support such a distribution as well. This paper discusses the distribution of Acheulean culture and possible routes spreading into Turkey according to the geographic regions.


Anatolia, Acheulean, Biface, Homo erectus, Levantine corridor, Movius line

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