
L’impact de l’environnement sur l’évolution biologique et culturelle dans les périodes de transition en Préhistoire : Paléolithique ancien/moyen et Paléolithique moyen/supérieur


fr Comptes Rendus Palevol 16 (2) - Pages 200-217

Published on 30 April 2017

This article is a part of the thematic issue From genes to culture

Impact of the environment on the biological and cultural evolution in the transitional periods in prehistory: Lower/Middle Palaeolithic and Middle/Upper Palaeolithic

This paper deals with the environmental changes during two important transitional periods, namely Lower/Middle Paleolithic and Middle/Upper Paleolithic transitions, and with their impact on biological and cultural evolutions, in the context of central, eastern and northwestern Europe, where ice-sheet transgressions induced particular paleogeographical and paleoecological conditions. Another country was studied too, the Balkans, a privileged area for bilateral contacts between Europe and the Near East.


Lower/Middle Paleolithic, Middle/Upper Paleolithic transitional periods, Environmental changes, Biological evolution, Cultural evolution

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