The cerioid colonial coral previously described as Lithostrotion columnariformis from the Early Visean of the Donets Basin (Ukraine) is here reattributed to the new genus Vassiljukia. This genus is introduced for colonial amygdalophylloid developing a stable cerioid habitus. It differs from amygdalophylloid proto-colonies by its ability to produce second generation offsets. This ability is proposed here as a definition to differentiate proto-colonial stages from genuine colonies within the rugose corals. Vassiljukia columnariformis is also known from equivalent strata of northwestern Turkey where it occurs with the oldest cerioid Lithostrotion and Ceriodotia. The origin and affinity of Vassiljukia columnariformis within the Amygdalophyllidae are also discussed.
Carboniferous, Rugose coral, Colony, Proto-colony