The recent advances regarding the complex chronobiostratigraphy of Middle Miocene terrestrial deposits of southern Germany are reviewed. We propose new and revised correlations between the Swiss and South German faunas framework for ongoing research. We restrict our analysis to the cricetid and microtoid muroid rodents, especially the Megacricetodon and cricetodontine groups, because of their importance for this purpose. Faunal turnovers reflect global climate changes. Species level endemism is punctuated by several immigration events, and a possible westward spread of faunal associations is suggested at around 13.8 Ma and, at the end of the Middle Miocene, by introduction of Late Miocene lineages from the east.
North Alpine Foreland Basin, Franconian Jura, Swabian Jura, Cricetidae, Rodentia, Biostratigraphy, Faunal turnovers