
Coryphoid palms from the Oligocene of China and their biogeographical implications

Qiu-Jun WANG, Fu-Jun MA, Jun-Ling DONG, Yi YANG, Pei-Hong JIN & Bai-Nian SUN

en Comptes Rendus Palevol 14 (4) - Pages 263-279

Published on 30 June 2015

Fossil palm leaves from the Oligocene deposits in Ningming County, Guangxi, China, have been reported for the first time. The palmate leaf shape along with a definite costa support the placement of the fossils in the Coryphoideae. Three new species are described: Chuniophoenix slenderifolia sp. nov., Livistona roundifolia sp. nov. and Trachycarpus formosa sp. nov. The palm fossils belong to three taxa and indicate that palms in southern China began to diversify no later than the Oligocene and that a diversified palm flora was already present at that time in Guangxi. This report provides new information about the biogeographical history of Chinese palms over geological time.


Coryphoid palm, Oligocene, China, Biogeography

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