In order to maximize sample sizes for the assessment of body size and proportions among Late Pleistocene humans, the femoral head diameter of the Regourdou 1 Neandertal was estimated from its ischial acetabular lunate surface, so as to provide a reliable measure for body mass assessment. This estimate was accomplished by fitting a sphere to the 3D surface of the acetabulum and then estimating femoral head diameter using a regression of acetabular sphere diameter to femoral head diameter based on associated recent human femora and ossa coxarum. The resultant mean and range of values for the Regourdou 1 femoral head dimension place it among the smaller of the European and southwest Asian Neandertals, although its humeral length is above average for that sample. Regourdou 1 therefore joins Kebara 2 in having moderately long arms for body core size, and it thereby emphasizes the variation in Neandertal body proportions.
Femur, Pelvis, Acetabulum, Body proportions, Europe, Late Pleistocene