
Discovery of an Autunian macroflora and lithostratigraphic re-investigation on the western border of the Lodève Permian basin (Mont Sénégra, Hérault, France). Paleoenvironmental implications

Georges GAND, Jean GALTIER, Jacques GARRIC, Pierre-Alexandre TEBOUL & Pierre PELLENARD

en Comptes Rendus Palevol 12 (2) - Pages 69-79

Published on 28 February 2013

Re-investigation of the western edge of the Lodève basin allows reassignment of one sandstone-conglomerate formation previously identified as “terminal Stephanian” to Early Autunian. The existence of two unconformable (Stephanian and Autunian) megasequences, separated by a sedimentary gap, which had been rejected, is thus re-affirmed. The authors also found, less than 20 m above the basal Autunian conglomerate, a macroflora with taxa characteristic of the famous Tuilières flora from a site, located in the eastern part of the basin near Lodève, in the Grey Autunian group. This confirms that the new Mont Sénégra fossiliferous beds belong to the Lower Autunian. Moreover, the taxonomic differences between these plants and those from the underlying coal-bearing Stephanian beds indicate an important change in the vegetation between the Stephanian and the Autunian. The first Autunian sequences were initially deposited within a distal alluvial fan environment, which developed vertically into a floodplain, within an active volcanic context.


Sedimentary unconformity, Stephanian, Basal Autunian, Asselian, Coniferophytes, Peltasperms

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