
A new subspecies of wolf (Canis lupus maximus nov. subsp.) from the upper Pleistocene of Western Europe


en Comptes Rendus Palevol 11 (7) - Pages 475-484

Published on 31 October 2012

The evolutionary history of the extant wolf (Canis lupus sensu largo) and its ancestors is characterised by changes in body size. A chronocline has been established based on these changes, but its temporal resolution is poorly defined. New morphometric analyses conducted on Late Pleistocene remains from southern France have permitted the diagnosis of a new subspecies of wolf, Canis lupus maximus nov. subsp. This new subspecies is statistically larger than all other known fossil and extant wolves from Western Europe. The diagnosis is based on biometric data collected on wolf remains from Jaurens cave (Nespouls, Corrèze, France). The paleoenvironmental context of the biogeographic range of this subspecies is discussed.


Evolution, Biochronology, Quaternary, Canis lupus, Body size, Morphometry

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