
A preliminary list of publications by Armand de Ricqlès


en Comptes Rendus Palevol 10 (5-6) - Pages 311-321

Published on 30 September 2011

This article is a part of the thematic issue Perspectives on vertebrate evolution: Topics and problems

This compilation of publications by Professor Armand de Ricqlès covers the period ranging from 1964, when his first paper was published, till his retirement, in 2010. This is a preliminary list because Armand continues publishing. This list includes only full papers; abstracts and interviews with journalists were deliberately left out, not to unduly expand this list, and because such items are of lesser interest than longer publications. The compilation of scientific papers should prove useful to all those interested in reviewing literature on bone histology, especially given thatmuchof it, especially early papers,waspublished in journals that were not indexed by the main database compilers. In many cases, even basic information such as table of contents of these journals remains unavailable on the Internet, at least for most of the 20th century. The list of popular and semi-popular papers will be useful to those wishing to get access to publications on awide range of topics in evolutionary biology, zoology, morphology, comparative anatomy, and histology. This list was compiled with help from Professor Armand de Ricqlès, who provided many publications, including some containing partial or yearly lists of publications. Professor de Ricqlès also provided an unpublished extended CV with an extensive list of publications dating from before 1994. For later publications, I used the yearly activity reports that he published in the “Annuaire du Collège de France”, as well as my personal scientific library, that has many of his papers.


Palaeontology, Vertebrates, Histology, Microanatomy, History, Teaching, Edition

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