
The Crustacea collected by dˈOrbigny in South America deposited in the Muséum national dˈhistoire naturelle, Paris

Danièle GUINOT & Régis CLEVA

en Comptes Rendus Palevol 1 (7) - Pages 499-515

Published on 31 December 2002

This article is a part of the thematic issue International symposium – Tribute to Alcide d'Orbigny – Muséum, Paris, 1st to 5th July 2002 – Part II

The important collection of Crustacea assembled by dˈOrbigny during his voyage of exploration in South America (1826–1834) was studied by Henri Milne Edwards and Hippolyte Lucas (1842–1844) in their contribution to the natural history of the Voyage en Amérique méridionale. In the present paper, this material, mainly crabs, deposited in the dry collection of the ‘Muséum national dˈhistoire naturelle’, Paris, is reviewed. The authors of the described taxa and their dates of publication are specified, lectotypes are designated, and a list of the currently valid taxa is provided.


dˈOrbigny, South America, Chile, Crustacea, Brachyura, taxonomy, lectotypes

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